Andriano, a village with charm

Facts & Figures

Our village is one of the smallest independent municipalities in South Tyrol, counting around 1000 inhabitants and 490 hectares of land, about 50 hectares of which are wine-growing area.

Coat of arms:

Our municipal coat of arms with its red and white sections originates from the noble family of the Lords of Andriano.


Archaeological finds prove that Andriano was already settled in Roman times. The river Etsch/Adige was navigable as far as Andriano, which made the village a strategically and economically important place.


There are various theories about the origin of the name Andriano: “Andrian” (Andrien) from antraeanum, derived from the Latin word antrum, which means little round valley or wooded grotto; or “Andrianum”, derived from Andrius, a person’s name; or from the Roman estate “Praedium Andreanum”.

First documented mention :

Andriano was first mentioned in 1186 in an original parchment in the monastery archives of Gries (Bolzano). Other documents from this period furthermore prove the existence of a ferry on the river Etsch/Adige.

Soil, fruit and wine:

Our valley, the so-called Etschtal/Val d’Adige, was marshland until the middle of the 19th century. Large alder fields dominated the landscape. The later regulation of the river Etsch/Adige resulted in the drainage of the floor, making apple cultivation possible. Vineyards, however, have already been cultivated on the dry slopes of our village since Roman times.


Today, agriculture and tourism are the two main economic sectors. In addition, there are several handicraft and commercial businesses.


In the course of time, Andriano has become an attractive place to live and to spend a holiday, which is not only due to its proximity to the provincial capital of Bolzano and the convenient traffic connection therewith, but also due to its peaceful and idyllic location.

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